Lesson 3 - Content Marketing Automation

Learn how to automate your marketing using this blueprint

Course Contents

  • Lesson 1 - Social Media Automation

    A 7 day marketing automation checklist is displayed on a white background.

    In this lesson we will cover what to post, what days to post, what times to post, and how to automate social media content posting.

    View Lesson 1
  • Lesson 2 - Email Automation

    Email automation series

    We will be covering how to automate your first 3 emails, when to send them, how long they should be, and best practices to get the highest open rates.

    View Lesson 2
  • Lesson 3 - Marketing Automation

    Professor method marketing automation

    You will learn how to choose topics for the week that your competitors are not using, how to make educational content, and how to automate your content to drive more sales.

    View Lesson 3

Content Marketing Automation

Hey there, welcome to Lesson 3, where I'm going to teach you how to automate your marketing. We've covered how to automate your social media posts and how to automate your email so people never forget about you. And now it's time to post helpful content on a consistent basis.

This is the No. 1 thing that has grown my business: posting helpful educational content on my YouTube, as a podcast, and as a blog. Now people see that I stand out, I'm different, and I'm the authority in the marketing automation industry because I teach. Then I call this the professor method. How can you be the educator, the professor to your students? And if you think about it, a professor only has 30 students in a room; you can go to 100 students, 1,000 students, hundreds of thousands of students on YouTube, on podcasts, on your blogs as you continue to grow. But don't be discouraged because even 30 students on YouTube will turn into customers.

That's what really took me forever to understand was, hey I'm posting on YouTube, I only have 1,000 subscribers, but I'm actually getting clients from it. It doesn't matter how many people, it's still more than one, that's the key.

So what we need to do when you automate your marketing is you need to find your secret keyword, and I'm going to provide some chat GPT prompts down below, it will help you find the secret keyword. As an example, my secret keyword was the professor method, nobody else had that method, nobody was using that, so I created that word, and now I build my content around it, teaching people how they can become the professor.

So what's that keyword, and the goal is to look for something that doesn't have a lot of competition. So we want to find, you know if I was trying to compete with HubSpot or these big companies like Facebook, they're going to of course outspend me, they have got millions of dollars to invest, but I need to find something that doesn't have a lot of competition that I can own the word for.

So you want to think about your business, whatever your business is, come up with some sort of method, some strategy, a blueprint, a playbook, something that you can start becoming the expert in, teaching people. Then you can create your content around that. From there you create the alter ego, I'm the professor right, I'm teaching people in my head, you don't actually have to say it out loud, or post about it, but in your head, you can say okay, now I'm the professor, I'm teaching my students in the health niche, teaching my students how to get better hair, teaching my students how to do this.

Then you need to start branding around it, you need to have that YouTube channel, the podcast, or a blog. You need to have one of those three. From there start posting educational content on a consistent basis.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Find Your Secret Keyword: Utilize chat GPT prompts to discover a unique keyword or phrase that differentiates you. It should be something you can own without much competition.
  • Create Your Alter Ego: Consider yourself a professor in your niche, focusing on teaching and educating your audience. This mindset will guide your content creation.
  • Brand and Post Content: Establish your presence with a YouTube channel, podcast, or blog. Consistently post educational content, positioning yourself as an authority.
  • Distribute Your Content: Once you have your pillar content, distribute it across platforms—social media, newsletters, blogs—to maximize exposure and engagement.
  • Automate and Schedule: Use virtual assistants and scheduling tools to automate the posting process. Create content in batches and schedule it for release, ensuring a steady stream of content.

By following these steps, you transform your marketing strategy. You not only educate your audience but also build a community of followers who view you as the go-to expert in your field. This approach, the professor method, leverages the power of content to attract and retain customers, turning viewers into leads and leads into loyal customers.

What's crucial is finding that niche keyword and building your content strategy around it. This allows you to stand out in a crowded market, attract the right audience, and convert followers into customers efficiently. With automation, you ensure that your marketing works for you around the clock, allowing you to focus on what you do best. Remember, the key is consistency and quality. By providing value and teaching your audience, you build trust and authority, which are indispensable in today's digital landscape.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I find my unique secret keyword for content creation?

    To discover your unique secret keyword, you should look for a term or phrase that is distinctive to your brand and doesn't face a lot of competition. This keyword should embody the essence of your method, strategy, or the unique value you provide. Utilizing chat GPT prompts or keyword research tools can help identify gaps in the market that your content can fill. The goal is to find a niche that allows you to stand out and become an authority, much like the "professor method" example given.

  • Why is it important to adopt the professor mindset in content creation?

    Adopting the professor mindset in content creation positions you as an educator and authority in your niche. This approach encourages you to focus on teaching and adding value to your audience, rather than just selling. By educating your audience, you build trust and credibility, making it more likely that your followers will turn into customers. The professor mindset helps in creating content that is engaging, informative, and capable of establishing a loyal community of learners.

  • How can I efficiently automate my marketing content across different platforms?

    To efficiently automate your marketing content across various platforms, start by creating pillar content, such as a detailed video, blog post, or podcast episode. Then, use tools and resources like virtual assistants, content scheduling software, and AI to repurpose this content into different formats suitable for social media, newsletters, and blogs. The key is to maintain a consistent posting schedule and ensure that all content leads back to your main message or call to action. Automation tools can help schedule posts in advance, allowing you to maintain a consistent online presence without needing to manually update each platform.

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